RIFT Intel Fusion Tool
Advanced desktop application for the MMO EVE Online
In official partnership with the game's developers
Working as a Lead Software Engineer.
Worked as a Software Engineer, developing Android and iOS mobile apps.
Worked as a Software Engineer, delivering features in flagship Android apps with millions of users. Developed backend APIs and infrastructure on the AWS cloud.
Worked as a Software Engineer, developing Derail Valley, a Virtual Reality railway simulator.
Worked as a Software Engineer intern, developing the Capital One credit card servicing mobile app.
Graduated in June 2019 with a Master in Science with Honours in Computer Science in the First Class.
Advanced desktop application for the MMO EVE Online
In official partnership with the game's developers
Mixed Reality Game with 3D printed coins
Displayed at Google I/O
Must-have tool according to Google
Android app for the MMORPG Tibia
Officially supported by the game's developers
Full-featured instant messenger
Twitter bot that automatically finds and wins contests
Programming microcontrollers
Reverse engineering
Kotlin configuration library with batteries included
App for students and teachers with 65.000 installs
Modern web app for image galleries
Electronic scoring system
for table football
Hackathon at the Vatican
First place
Browser extension with 5.000 active users
Programming puzzles
Projects and prizes
Server administration
Cloud computing